Daughter: Suspenseful, action-filled, a great book for any family to read together. After escaping from dwarves wouldn't you just love to find your griffin chasing a hobgoblin on top of your roof? The hobgoblin happens to be Hogsqueal, someone you thought you could trust. Above all of this the goblins have stolen the field guide. When you happen to be in Mugarath's lair you find one of Jared's favorite people the only thing is you wonder in you can trust him...
Dad: Mmm, tasty. I won't give away the ending, but I will say it's lip-smackin' good. This book is full of conflict: Griffin vs. Dragon in an epic aerial battle; Ogre vs. Dwarves (flesh, blood & bone or rock & metal?); and the Grace children: bickering brats or caring siblings? Definitely worth the read ...
More conflict to come: Book or movie? Which did you like better?